Homemade hair treatments for dry hair

The storage of hot oil treatments, deep conditioner, all hair care beauty natural part of your local market products are costly and seldom 100% fresh. Additionally, mark treatments are often troubled hair worse, because the backlog of product and chemical content harm delicate hair. All female wants pretty-pretty, kink free easy to handle easily, & now you can get it. This natural hair treatments is fun, low-cost and a snap to build.

home treatment for dry hair


1. Of coconut hot oil hair treatment by hot 2 tablespoons of copra oil in a twice saucepan. The list of oil required will bet on the length of your hair. Apply hot oil damp hair and wind your head in a hot towel, leaving oil harden for 15 to 25 mins. Rinse and wry as usual.

2. Combine a large and mature avocado 1 tablespoon of fresh honey, puree until smooth. It is a deep penetration moisturizer that lawyer will allow dry to silky hair. Honey assists to clean the hair and swarms from the product backlog. Use to your hair and leave to rest for 15 to 25 mins before rinsing and drying as usual.

3. Beat eggs until we cover the stir in ½ teaspoon of oil of vitamin E and 3/4 cup of warm water. It is a revitalizing natural for hair everyday as you'd your regular conditioner to keep and treat dry and brittle hair.

4. Mix 1/2 cup of whole milk with a banana. Rinse your hair and use conditioner equally from the tip of the scalp. Allow conditioner to harden for 15 to 25 mins before washing and drying.